
Hi my name is Dorian and i'm a trans male r18 artist that draws a bunch of lgbtq themed illustrationsBYF OR INTERACT
-if you are below 18 do not interact or follow me
-i draw wrioney as a comfort ship, its to uplift queer people who are in a size difference relationship like myself-i draw trans headcanons, mainly t4t now, if thats not your thing then leave-i do not allow shiphate or discourse in my space, it is an instant block or softblock moot or not i already have adhd and ptsd i dont need or want to deal with constant negativity, shouting at eachother and / or hate from a fandom that already makes me feel horrible as a trans queer dude all over fictional characters-if you re blocked by me you either insulted my ship, insulted art from other wrioney artists i´m friends with, started shit with me, said transphobic or homophobic remarks-i am and always have been against genocide, I will always stand up for those who are suffering